:: 1.18.2005 ::
3M or: How Can I Ease Myself Back Into Writing Without Losing the Audience or Blowing a Gasket?
Since the dawn of the new year my life has been one huge, non-stop thrill ride. I haven’t even had time to sit down and write anything or think of anything or talk to anyone since everything has been happening in a very exciting, crazy, haphazard, fun fashion. Okay, I don’t even feel like I’m writing that with a straight face. I’m lying. I haven’t done much of anything thus far in 2005. For one thing, it has been aces cold outside, like freeze the ears right off my head cold, so that is limiting the amount of time that I’m spending out there. And work isn’t too exciting because I’m just putting together this set of documents for construction, which is a good learning process and hard work, but nothing to write home about. Three times, by three different people, in the past two weeks I have been petitioned for advice on being single and all its glorious benefits. In all these situations I attempted to explain why I found a wonderful amount of peace in my current solitary condition and I think I only ended up sounding a) boring; b) depressing; and c) hopeless. Which is not the case, as I feel none of the three, but how do you explain having crafted a List for the last five years and only now finally having opportunity to start whittling it down? You can’t, it’s personal, so I’ll just tell everyone here how I’m doing, so you can come to peace in your own (solitary or collective) way.
I started Netflix. So my queue of 127 movies shall rapidly diminish at a rate of more than eight movies per month. If I just do eight a month, that’s 96 per year - I figure the list should be pretty pared down by aught-six. So far I’ve seen: The Exorcist, Seven Samurai, North by Northwest, Far From Heaven, XMen 2, and about 85% of American Splendor. [I won’t mention how utterly ironic it is that American Splendor came highly recommended by a certain someone who also touts technology as the solution for all things problematic, yet the reason I don’t know where Joyce went or how Harvey came to have cancer is because the fucking DVD player skipped over all that shit and wouldn’t let me go back and see any of it, thus leaving a huge (critical) gap in the viewing experience.]
I’ve lost touch with my music collection. As I was making mix CD’s this holiday season, I realize there is probably a lot of stuff in there that I haven’t listened to ever (the true problem with pirating music isn’t cheating record industry out of their fatcat checks, it’s the fact that you can have a CD like The Cure’s A Head in the Door for six months without hardly listening to it). So I’ve put a freeze on acquiring music until I get a better feeling for Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra, and what roll they will be playing in my future music consumption.
I am addicted to magazines. And just like crack cocaine, they are dirt cheap. Eight bucks for a year of Esquire? Sign me up! Architectural Digest for a mere twenty bones? I’m in! And if Metropolis isn’t the most pretentious mainstream design magazine since Adam, I don’t know what is, but I’m sure loving reading it and seeing that pile on my bookshelf grow. Besides, I can only spend so much time reading books before I get tired of that particular topic - magazines are like cartoons to a six-year-old for my literary mind.
And by the way: You can say all you want about Sublime and their post-mortal suckiness, but goddammit, Date Rape is one of the best songs ever.
“Now baby, don’t be sad. In my opinion, you weren’t half bad...”
:: Freddy F. at 10:53 PM [+] ::